Cult Of The Dragon
(Dark Essence Records / Karisma Records)
Cruel Norwegian Black Metal, that’s what you get here. This is fuckin’ raw Black Metal in the vein of old DARKTHRONE ( “Under The Funeral Moon” and Transilvanian Hunger” period) with elements of old SAMAEL (“Worship Him”) and old BEHERIT. DEATHCULT offers nothing new to us, but they do it with style. The production is as it should be for this type of music (and you can hear each instrument, to be honest the production is above the average!), the ideas (riffs, melodies…) are quite original and the whole recording could also be released back in 1993 or something like that. Fans of Norwegian Black Metal the old way can’t make anything wrong here as this CD fits perfect to this description. Still there is one question left to ask: what should a songtitle like ‘Sieg Hail Satan’ mean? As I don’t have the lyricsheet I can’t judge it, still I feel not pleased about a title like this. For sure you can say “what the hell is he talking about, let the music do the talking” and this is probably correct, nevertheless I want to claim that if DEATHCULT join with the NSBM-genre they can fuck off! This kind of controversy shouldn’t have a link to Black Metal at all. In this case: let the music do the talking… Check out www.darkessencerecords.no
Thomas Ehrmann
• DEATHCULT - The Test Of Time (Thomas Meyer)
• DEATHCULT - The Test Of Time (Stefan Franke)