Ascension In The Altar Of Condemned
(Iron, Blood And Death Corporation)
DECONSEKRATED are from Chile and “Ascension In The Altar Of Condemned” is their first full length. Released by the ever hardworking IBDC / Antonio, DECONSEKRATED’s sound perfectly captures the sound of old school Death Metal in 2024. The band builds up an ominous atmosphere in each and every track and their guitar solos just add to the black magic. I really enjoy this sound and quite enjoy the bands which follow this path. I like modern Death Metal in moderation, but with DECONSEKRATED there is absolutely no dilution of the principles of the genre. The atmosphere is often juxtaposed with cavernous vocals, which sounds absolutely perfect. One of the most important aspects of this release is the drumming, yes, the drummer is working over time in his role, but notice how well placed the drummer is in the mix? Brilliant! You can be absolutely brutal, heavy and imposing without being loud and this is a perfect example. The band sounds so tight together that you can’t help but appreciate it. Now, this cannot be the absolute perfect album of the year, so what are the potential letdowns here? Honestly, nothing that will warrant a trial. I wish a couple of tracks were not as long because once you cross the over the four minute mark with the traditional rhythm sticking to its guns, I’d love the addition of other elements to the song. The entire album is a strong expression of Death Metal for what it stands for and if you like the genre in any capacity, I’d recommend this highly, it’s simple, plain and straightforward. Just the way Death Metal must be! Brilliant vocals, evil leads, a rock-solid rhythm section that never lets down, all in all a solid debut for DECONSEKRATED and a wonderful release by IBDC (again!). For more information, please visit: www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100028285644583, www.facebook.com/ibdc666
Vamsi Kanagovi