Slakthus Gamleby
(Cyclone Empire Records)
Even a possible second golden era of Death Metal won’t be in the position to change the fact that Dan Swäno has been (and still is) one of the driving forces of this style. Today his name is maybe more frequently used if it comes to his recording and mastering duties but with DEMIURG he’s again presenting a piece of solid Death Metal. Supported by his long time Metal brother Rogga Johansson – BONE GNAWER, PAGANIZER, RIBSPREADER, SINNERS BURN, THE GROTESQUERY and countless other bands and projects -their third album “Slakthus Gamleby” is definitely a release which is gambling with the listener’s expectations. Maybe it’s a little exaggerated but the terminus Death Metal with pink dots is summarizing this release in a more than proper way. The presented material is showing the pure Death Metal roots of the band members but the black mass is supported by slightly progressive influences. The key word in the former sentence is the word support because the music is blossoming through the different styles like atmospheric keys or very good performed female vocals (in my opinion definitely the most superfluous and annoying aspect of this album! – Frank). But don’t fear a further EDGE OF SANITY disaster because DEMIURG is consisting of members who don’t feel the pressure anymore to prove themselves and this time the mixture works throughout all 8 tracks. Songs like ‘Travellers Of The Vortex’ with NEVERMORE like vocals or the slightly THE GATHERING influenced ‘From Laughter To Retching’ are the real highlights of this release. DEMIURG are doubtless a further all-star member band which by this mere fact will get a lot of medial attention, but this album really deserves this attention. The year 2010 has seen a lot of fantastic Death Metal releases – and DEMIURG are maybe not strictly following the cold and dark left hand path – but open minded Death Metal maniacs will find a real friend in this release. For further information check www.myspace.com/demiurgofficial, www.cyclone-empire.com
Matthias Auch
• DEMIURG - Breath Of The Demiurg (Frank Stöver )