Profane Rites Of Death
(Canometal Records)
Here we have a split CD between two bands who play different styles of Death Metal but they both do it under common themes as blasphemy and profanation, so I think that "Profane Rites Of Death" is a very appropriate title. The first band is DEMONIC RAGE from Puerto Montt, Chile. They formed in 2001 and have a significant discography, even if there is only one full-length released in 2013. The rest are demos, EPs and splits, one of the them with FATHER BEFOULED (released by Dark Descent Records in 2011) that is the only release I knew from them before now. Their three songs here sound dark as fuck, hugely influenced by INCANTATION. Therefore, there aren’t many surprises and experimentations here and they easily focus on the instrumental technique; what is essential for DEMONIC RAGE are oppressive riffs, strong use of double bass drum and growls in very low frequency. This is the way it has to be and all three songs are equally inspired without evident concessions of quality, also on long lenghts like ‘Rites Of Nihilism And Blasphemy’ and ‘Anguish Voices Swept The Path To The Grave’. The second band, FETID ZOMBIE, is probably well-known in the Death Metal community ’cause it’s one of the Mark Riddick’s (who doesn’t need any presentation, other way you’re in the wrong website!) project that he started in 2008 as a one man band. Differently from their Chilean partners on this split, they released just five full-length albums; the last one, called "Grotesque Creation", was released just one year ago. Anyway, FETID ZOMBIE stylistically are not simple to define, there are various influences from old school Death Metal to Progressive / Heavy Metal that mark out the songs here (and their most recent stuff). My first impression after having listened to their side on this split, is that Riddick was probably influenced by Chuck Schuldiner’s songwriting while he wrote these three songs. In fact, although with some differences, you can feel like recognizing some elements, riffs and patterns from "Symbolic" or "The Fragile Art Of Existence", but sometimes they also remind me of stuff from PESTILENCE, WATCHTOWER or NOCTURNUS. Go easy to get these comparisons as unconditioned truth; FETID ZOMBIE are not mature enough to compete on that level, but it’s evident that Mark Riddick is an expert of the underground scene and he’s free to mix all the styles he likes. Furthermore, he has been always co-operated by many guests on the previous releases. Here we have Kam Lee, Toby Knapp and Ralf Hauber respectelvely on vocals for each of the three songs, while Brian Forman recorded all the drums tracks. This last is a good choice, confronted to the expected although useful drum programming. Obviously, Riddick has drawn the cover artwork in a masterly manner as usual. To end, "Profane Rites Of Death", shows two bands that are still working on their own personality but they don’t lack abilities to improve. Check them here: www.facebook.com/demonic-rage-166132640124492, www.facebook.com/pages/fetid-zombie/153944411335254, www.canometal.cl
David Lucido
• DEMONIC RAGE - Demo II (Mirco Szymyslik)
• DEMONIC RAGE - Venomous Wine From Putrid Bodies (Hacker)
• FETID ZOMBIE - Defiling The Altar Of Gods (Thomas Meyer)
• DEMONIC RAGE - Interview (Stefan Franke)