Verarbeitung Eines Schmerzes
(None Shall Defy Records)
I was first introduced to this German Black Metal band when None Shall Defy Records released the second release from DIE TOTEN KEHREN WIEDER MIT DEM WIND "Am Ufer Des Sees" on vinyl earlier this year. None Shall Defy has now once again been digging down in the depths of DIE TOTEN KEHREN WIEDER MIT DEM WIND’s back catalogue and is ready with a pro-printed tape release of the band’s first release "Verarbeitung Eines Schmerzes". The release has status of a full length release from DIE TOTEN KEHREN WIEDER MIT DEM WIND even though it is the band’s first recording, and Bradhenr, the sole member and man behind the band does see the release as a demo. This is where it all started, when speaking of DIE TOTEN KEHREN WIEDER MIT DEM WIND, and it doesn’t come as a surprise to me, that we are presented for the melancholic and quite depressive Black Metal that Bradhenr also delivers on the later albums. What I’ve so far have heard from the band seems very worked through and complete, and that’s no wonder, as he already took the path, he now is walking, from the very beginning. The thing of main importance when making melancholic and bleak Black Metal is hitting the right atmosphere, as it is the atmosphere that drives the music, if the atmosphere doesn’t catch the listener from the point of entry, the music will collapse and just be a weak copy of greater masters. Though Bradhenr has an ear for composing music with the exact atmosphere, that will get caught and bring the listener into his universe of grey melancholy. I didn’t really expect the atmosphere on this release to be as capturing and strong as on later releases, though I was proved wrong, I’ve been caught in the universe of "Verabeitung Eines Schmerzes" from the second I put the tape on, it is really strong and immense. I haven’t seen the original release of this demo anywhere, so it is nice that it has been brought back to life as a pro-printed tape version, as the music on here is something that all into depressive, melancholic and bleak Black Metal should check out, there are some amazing atmospheres on here, brought to life by very simple means and great song writing, this caught me way faster than "Ufer Des Sees" and is perhaps more lasting, nice to see this being brought back among the living dead. Dwelve further into the darkness at:,
Anders Peter Jørgensen