(Hammerheart Records)

EREB ALTOR – following in the footsteps of BATHORY – are one of the best Viking Metal bands, as they skilfully manage to sound epic and full of pathos, but never drift into kitsch. However, the Swedes have not only taken up the cause of following the true teachings of “Hammerheart” and “Twilight Of The Gods”, but the band’s consistently congenial song material also contains some Black Metal heaviness. Apart from MOONSORROW and MANEGARM, no other band in this subgenre manages to sound so brilliant. The Swedes consistently continue on their chosen path and transport the listener into a fantastic Viking world. However, you shouldn’t expect any surprises, as the ingredients and styles are only changed minimally at best. In addition to solemn melodies and fantastic clear vocals, the songs are dominated by a heroic epic feeling, the aggressive part of which is a little less this time and thus shrinks the Black Metal part. This doesn’t detract from the quality of the song material, but it does make EREB ALTOR seem a little more commercial and adapted to the Viking Metal mainstream. Purists might feel disturbed by this, but that would be complaining on a high level. It has to be said, however, that EREB ALTOR sound much more uniform this time around, and some songs are a little too long. That’s why you sometimes get the feeling of too much repetition or wonder which song you are actually listening to. Unfortunately, ‘Valkaryan Fire’, the band’s latest video track, serves as a negative example of this and seems a bit ‘cheesy’ throughout its entire playing time. But songs like the epic and monumental ‘The Waves, The Sky And The Pyre’ make up for this little flaw. Ultimately, EREB ALTOR offer pure fan service and will probably not alienate any of their fans with this album, but they won’t impress anyone outside the target group either. Viking Metal fans can pick it up without hesitation. The Swedes are still at the top of their game, but they have already impressed more. Personally I think it’s great, but I also belong to the die-hard fanbase – Hail Odin!,

Olaf Brinkmann

Olaf Brinkmann

Related reviews / interviews:
EREB ALTOR - Vargtimman (Michael Kujawska)
EREB ALTOR - By Honour (Mario Cubero)

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