Promo 2007
This promo-recording sounds pretty cold, although this band is from hot Spain. Strange, very strange, haha. What we have here are ERED from Barcelona, who convince with their brand of Scandinavian sounding (call it more or less) melodic Black Metal. Before this new promo they already released a couple of demos and in 2005 their self-financed debut CD called “Born In A Frozen Hell” but as I only know their new recording I can’t tell anything about the quality of their former stuff nor be able to tell you if this older material is still available. They managed to play some gigs together with bands like NECROPHOBIC or NECROS CHRISTOS, which usually don’t tell anything about the quality of the band, but in this case I can say that this can be counted as some kind of proof for quality! 3 songs are offered here with a playtime of about approx. 13 minutes of catchy, riff-orientated Black Metal with varied tempo changes ranging from fast to slow and doomy rhythms. Everything here fits together pretty well and the sound is very good for such a type of recording. In fact this recording is pretty impressive and ERED is one of those bands to keep an eye on. I’m not sure if this release is available for the crowd but you should check out their songs on www.myspace.com/ered666 or get in touch with the band directly via their official email address ered_666@hotmail.com.
Thomas Ehrmann
• ERED - Incarnated Horror (Thomas Ehrmann)
• ERED - Night Of Eternal Doom (Mauricio "Rusty" Sanchez)
• ERED - Goatworshipping Metal (Thomas Ehrmann)