(Cyclone Empire Records)
The third FACEBREAKER release falls under the category of a release which is obvious fulfilling all listeners expectations. When it comes to the ten commandments of today’s Death Metal you will find nearly all of them on “Infected”. Brutal artwork, typical lyrics (just a short look at the playlist proves my point), raw sound and a singer who from time to time reaches the grind dimension of high pig-screams are only a few of these typical trademarks. So if you are a careful reader you will notice that the word typical has been intentionally mentioned twice within only one sentence. FACEBREAKER are bringing again tears of joy to every brutal Death Metal home but from the songwriting point of view you will find not the slightest variation on this release. “Infected” is brutal as fuck and for sure a release for the fans of Death Metal in optical range to the rotten borders of Grind. But from my point of view I prefer other Cyclone Empire bands which are able to find the right balance between the two ugly faces of Death’s preferred musical malady. Further info: www.facebreaker.com, www.cyclone-empire.com
Matthias Auch
• FACEBREAKER - Dead, Rotten And Hungry (Thomas Ehrmann)