Saimaata Ei Sanoilla Selita
(Northern Silence Productions)
A further band from the land of the thousand lakes is not really special, especially when they are heading into the popular Folk / Pagan Metal direction but if the band has composed a MCD with the sole use of the basis instruments ignoring the power of lyrics – guitars, drums plus some traditional instruments like harps etc – it’s more than worth mentioning here. The band HÄIVE was founded in early 2002 and so far they only released a split CD and a full album – also via Northern Silence – but their third release “Saimaata Ei Sanoilla Selita” is different by trying to capture the breath of Mother Nature. So the musically inspiration could be found in their own country (means their own folklore / traditional music) but also abroad with Metal sources of inspiration in form – as usual – the first true ULVER releases. The format of a MCD is really in favor of the exceptional concept and the three songs are offering enough diversity to bring some metalized folklore light even into the deepest and darkest metal fortress. HÄIVE are offering a really special release / concept but in some way far more interesting than the uncountable Black / Death releases without own spirit. www.northern-silence.de, www.haive.tk
Matthias Auch