Death Ordinance
(Dark Descent Records)
War Metal. Destructive Metal. Annihilating Metal. Each of those words can be applied to New Zealands’s HERESIARCH. Formed in 2008, and now they release their debut album. And if one can imagine a destructive vortex of chaos, brutality and death turned to music, the final result will be something near to this album. Melody is almost non existent, control is a word barely found, and even in that, it is not all chaos for the sake of being chaos. This music style requires an educated ear to distinguish the full potency it oozes in every note. Bands like BLASPHEMY, BEHERIT and SARCOFAGO are obvious references, but I will also add to that early CANNIBAL CORPSE, BOLT THROWER and even SLAYER. In fact I find out that HERESIARCH shines like a death star when they play more mid-tempo, because when they go very fast at times the guitars get a bit lost, thus sounding a bit noisy. But that only happens in a few parts as they are clever to keep it controlled in all this vortex of chaos. I am aware that the style requires a dirty sound, but a little cleaner sound, especially on the guitars, could work very well. Still, for those that worship chaotic and extreme Metal, with a definitely essence of the end of civilization and the dominion of darkness, this is some of the best Metal in the style. And for well over 40 minutes, for some too much, for others just the right amount, you get the sound of an imminent catastrophe in a way only a few are able to conjure.,
Julián “Desert Of Ash” Núñez