Flesh Sermons
(Iron, Blood And Death Corporation)
Mexican based label Iron, Blood And Death Corporation has become one of the top addresses in the last few years when it comes to extreme Heavy Metal. The name guarantees quality, although of course, as always, exceptions confirm the rule. But HUMAN HARVEST are definitely amongst their best releases during the last years. “Flesh Sermons” is the debut full-length by a duo from Sweden. Originally founded back in 2006 they released two demos the following years and with a hiatus of 13 years they unleashed this monolith of unholy Death Metal out of nowhere, so to speak. There are no frills and furbelows here, no superfluous acoustic passages or suchlike. Just Death Metal in its purest form. Despite their Swedish origin HUMAN HARVEST are inspired by American Death Metal in the vein of IMMOLATION and INCANTATION, combined with song-structures used by bands like TEITANBLOOD or GRAVE MIASMA. Which means there are no typical schemes, but more a continuous flow of music. The only reminiscence to Swedish Death Metal is the straightforward art of playing, which reminds me of GRAVE. Which does not mean the technical approach is at a low level. The less embellished the songs are, the more all the details have to be convincing. I have been listening to this album over and over again and there is simply no weak point or any weak spots. More than once I felt reminded of SULPHUR AEON, in fact “Flesh Sermons” can easily compete with one of Germany’s finest Death Metal bands or the above mentioned outfits. Maybe the riffs have not that high recognition value, but that is a very high level of criticism. This release is the first Death Metal highlight in 2022 and every one should get a listen. More information here www.facebook.com/humanharvest666 or here www.facebook.com/ibdc666
Mirco Szymyslik
• HUMAN HARVEST - Death Storms (Alfonso Perez)