Dreadful Seizures
(Memento Mori)
MEPHITIC GRAVE hail from Hungary and I didn’t know of this band before this generous request from Memento Mori. MEPHITIC GRAVE sounds exactly the way the name indicates, it is a foul smelling record of Death Metal that transcends time. Remember the early ’90s Swedish and Finnish demos? That’s exactly how MEPHITIC GRAVE sounds like. “Dreadful Seizures” gives us a glimpse into the golden era of Death Metal. Think early DEMIGOD sans the aggressiveness and twice the heaviness. The band is in no hurry, they focus on the journey as against the destination, making it heavier by the moment for the listener. This is Death Metal in its raw form with no additives whatsoever. Almost all songs are mid-tempo with absolutely brilliant musicianship. The only issue that I have is that the vocals are quite high in the mix but this is a standard early ’90s demo / EP so I’m not very surprised. The band seems to have a very specific vision and they’ve managed to execute it to perfection. The riffs are gentle yet heavy, they meander through what the Nordics represented with ease. All songs are the right length, no song has anything in excess, this is something I’ve come to appreciate through time. I don’t have a lot to say about this record but just ask you to get a copy. If you like Death Metal in some manner or form, you need to check this record out. The entire album sounds like a love letter to the sound of early bands from Nordics. The best part is that the full length is just 38 minutes long and keeps you hooked from start to finish. For more information, please visit: https://mephiticgrave.bandcamp.com, www.facebook.com/memento.mori.label
Vamsi Kanagovi