I’m really surprised that "11:11" is self-financed and released by the band itself. I hardly believe that no label was interested to work with NEOCAESAR. If this band from the Netherlands is unknown to you, the musicians behind NEOCAESAR are most probably not unknown. NEOCAESAR consists of: Mike van Mastrigt, Michel Alderliefsten, Eric de Windt and Bart van Wallenberg. All of them played in SINISTER for a while. And so it’s definitely not wrong to use SINISTER to describe how NEOCAESAR sound. A straight forward, mainly mid-paced, mixture of old fashioned US style and European Death Metal like it was played by bands in the mid 90s such as (surprise, surprise) SINISTER. Don’t get me wrong, although there are clearly parallels I wouldn’t call NEOCAESAR a reincarnation or a copy of SINISTER, but they can’t deny their roots. Honestly spoken I really don’t know how to judge "11:11". It’s definitely not a lame album, that’s for sure. Everything is done in a professional way and it definitely has its moments. On the other hand there are also some parts that are not totally convincing and I doubt "11:11" has enough potential to sound interesting for me to repeatedly listen to it. Maybe it would have been a more clever idea to release an EP or a MCD first before releasing the debut full-length. So I’m not sure if I would call this is a mediocre release or if it is just not my cup of tea. Anyway, "11:11" is still worth your attention so check those Dutch fiends out and order your copy here: neocaesar.merchandise@gmail.com, www.facebook.com/neocaesar.official