Burning Obsidian Sun
(Edged Circle Productions)

It’s time to answer the question if OBSIDIAN SUN is just another new Black Metal act or a band that enriches your black lives with fine dark music. The main woman behind the band is Obscura, who is also active in ASAGRAUM and other bands. Her new project OBSIDIAN SUN is close to being a one-woman-show as she is responsible for anything except the drums which were provided by Averse Moon. “Burning Obsidian Sun” features the first music OBSIDIAN SUN unleashes upon the Black Metal community and it is an EP with four not very long songs. Before listening to the songs, I wasn’t expecting too much and I got taken by surprise. Obscura’s vision of blackness is often close to the origins of the genre, as I find some hints on bands from especially Norway who were there in the 1990s. And it’s not the pure and “trve” bands who played a more archaic style, reduced to the essential. I mainly think of bands like EMPEROR or SATYRICON in their early days with all their variability and progressivity that laid the foundation to keep the genre alive and interesting. There even are traces of more classic extreme Metal from the 1980s that make “Burning Obsidian Sun” an interesting listening experience for those into Black Metal. Especially the title track with its great suspense-packed intro part and the final ‘Streams From The Dark Temple’ are fine examples of timeless extreme Metal with class. Thus OBSIDIAN SUN might not revolutionise the genre but add to it’s overall quality of the present times. For more, visit www.facebook.com/obsidiansun666 or www.facebook.com/edgedcircleproductions

Thomas Meyer

Thomas Meyer

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