Nosferathu Sathanis
(Bloodred Horizon Records)
If a band is covering HELLHAMMER’s ‘Horus / Aggressor’ and the song fits into the release like a naked women on a satanic altar the musical direction should be more than clear. PARAGON BELIAL is playing traditional Black Metal and their debut “Hordes Of The Darklands” had been released over a decade ago. But they are celebrating their return with their second release “Nosferathu Sathanis” and – even if I’m disappointed for years about the ongoing copy kill – the nine tracks are a small flicker of hope. The German band knows how to keep true to the core but still extend the borders to some new territory without even risk the critism of stabbing the rusty true Black Metal monument. Especially the song ‘Goatspawn’ with an accoustic interludium within the song plus a supporting movie sample (very likely “The Exorcist”) must be mentioned .What makes this album really enjoyable is the great guitar sound which gives this album a touch of real credibility, plus the perfect interaction of guitars and drums. If all bands that are following the snowy path of Mr.Nagel & Co. would present such a tormenting release the bloody sun in hell would shine once more. For more info check out www.bloodred-horizon-records.com, www.myspace.com/666paragonbelial
Matthias Auch