Truth Inside The Shades
(Adipocere Records)
The cover of this album features what it seems butterflies in flames, the introduction of the record is a delicate piano piece, the keyboards are over dominant throughout the album, the songs bear very poetic titles, and some clear voices are mixed with extreme shrieks. Do you get the message? Yes, another clueless bunch of musicians offering us a boring proof of their talent. I thought this form of Gothic faggotry wrapped around an “extreme” frame was a thing from the past (very much popular around 1995 for the connoisseurs). Well obviously I was wrong. It seems the torture will never end. These guys have mixed originality and avant-garde with putting together disparate musical elements in a disgusting patchwork of sounds, disjointed guitar riffs, nonsensical attack of syrup-sounding keys and a total lack of direction vocal wise. I am sure these young poets are eager to share their delicate inner feelings and to show off their intelligence. Considering that I am a goon when it comes to judge music, I am afraid I am not receptive to this great art due to a dysfunction of some areas of my brain. Keep in mind PERSEFONE play a progressive form of Death / Black Metal, like a third rate OPETH (and still I am generous here) and you will be in the right direction I guess. Enough with this one. These guys are from Andorra by the way. If you have nothing else to do: www.persefone.com.
Edouard Vergriete