Last Echoes Of Life
In these digital days, it is quite easy to release material unto the world, something that the Finnish Death Metal machine REVULSION has been utilizing so far. The band has three releases under their belt. The demo "Undressing External Humanity" released in 2010, the 7 track EP "Defiled" released in 2011 and newly released single "Last Echoes Of Life", all released by the band and all available on Bandcamp nowadays. An easy mean for a band, not being able to find a decent label for a physical release, so they can get the music ‘out there’ and attract some attention, and an easy mean for us Metal fans to get easy around a lot of music, before deciding on buying it or not, or in a case like this when the releases only are digital, using more time on indulging in them. The music from the hands of REVULSION is actually quite decent, though a tad run of the mill Death Metal, a good mix of American and European classics. A good base rhythm with, usually good flows, classical brutal Death Metal riffing that drives the songs forward, and a decent growl with a tad of varation. The problem is that the band doesn’t deliver anything we haven’t heard before, and they don’t kick so much ass, that we remember the songs, when the releases stop spinning. REVULSION has evolved quite a bit in the years since the last release, there’s some more ‘umph’ to "Last Echoes Of Life", and it is quite catchy delivered together with some good brutality, which I believe could lead to a record deal, as this is at least as good, as much other new Death Metal being released today. But again more internationally sounding, than traditional Finnish sounding, which might throw some off, as we have come to expect Finnish Death Metal being grim, crunchy and making us starring into a deep black hole, though this ain’t that bad at all. More info at: www.facebook.com/revulsionfin, http://revulsion.bandcamp.com
Anders Peter Jørgensen