(Supreme Chaos Records)
Evil tongues could nastily claim, bands in which Martin van Drunen is involved in as a screaming singer always will sound like ASPHYX and early PESTILENCE. Well, there is probably a grain of truth in this claim: the man with the unmistakable voice simply growls and screams the way he does. So he does on ROTTEN CASKETs full-length debut “Zombicron”. A band that includes the band founder Frank, Martin van Drunen, Husky on the drums and SODOM guitarist Yorck. The mentioned names describe the direction, the whole thing is going to! Behind songs like ‘Hunting Down The Last Living’, ‘Mass Conzombtion’ or ‘Le Maitre De Cercueil’ waits a pretty bad-tempered bastard of crusty Punk and Thrash ready to meet shredding and buzzing D-beat Death Metal. But no one has to live without a good crawling zombie-walk Doom Death Metal with poisonous melodies woven into it. Songs like ‘The Human Farm’, ‘On Chrystal Deth’ or ‘The Deadless Adversary’ are hacking their ways through the ear canals to eat brain finally!The last song in particular clearly shows how skilled Husky acts on his instrument. Not forgetting to mention, that many small, accurately fired guitar-riffs also have a massive impact on this record. Martin’s infernal screams tower over it. The ASPHYX and good ol’ PESTILENCE fan base can put the thing on the shelf as a blind buy and ROTTEN CASKET easily takes more than half of all the SODOM maniacs. Nice disc – has what it takes to block the player in the long term. Combine Death Metal and zombies and everything will be good… or guts! www.facebook.com/rottencasketdeathmetal, www.facebook.com/supremechaos.de
Wedekind Gisbertson