Utopia A.D.
(Spinefarm Records)
Ah, yes – so what the fuck is “Stone-Cold Chaos-Rock”?!? THE BLACK LEAGUE return with their 2nd full-length album “Utopia A.D.” and I doubt whether they would have really gotten their deal if Taneli Jarva (ex – SENTENCED and responsible for most of the music and all lyrics) and Sir Luttinen (ex – IMPALED NAZARENE) weren’t part of the band. For two or three songs this Rock / Metal-mixture can be quite relaxing but after a while I find it extremely boring and yes, rather banal. All songs offer the same songstructures and what is really disgusting are those guitar-solos in each and every song. I would compare it nevertheless to newer SENTENCED-releases without reaching their quality of course. But if you really give this album complete tries as I did you will finally be rewarded by the 13th and last song: ‘Utopia Anno Zero’ which is different to the other ones. Quite a long song (9:31) that evolves slowly but offers many unexpected changes although is always going straight forward and therefore stands out of the masses of average songs on this album. But one good song does not justify to buy a complete album in my opinion. If you have the possibillity to listen to a few songs I’d advise to check the aforementioned song and / or ‘To Suffer & To Smile’ which is quite typical for “Utopia A.D.” but one of the better songs. www.theblackleague.cjb.net