Karma In Black
(Scarlet Records)
Can anybody please explain me why I took over this review? I almost forgot I reviewed its predecessor and didn’t like it too much – getting old… “Karma In Black” is considerably calmer than “Domination Commence”, except for the initial song ‘Soul Messiah’ it doesn’t sound as much influenced by MACHINE HEAD and the likes. Still, the overall impression is far from an old school approach. Instead, THE DEFACED seem to have found a new source for inspiration called SOILWORK. The harmony vocals remind me a lot of their fellow Swedes and as far as I remember their drummer comes from that formation anyway. Vocalist Henrik Sjowall has developed a LOT as he still sounds aggressive but actually sings really good. Yeah, hailing SOILWORK indeed. I might be paranoid but I think I spotted some Grunge influences in the singing as well? Henrik sounds as if he has one or two ALICE IN CHAINS albums at home! A crime for a true brother in Heavy Metal? Don’t ask me, but the more melodic approach helps me to find access to the band a little easier as the debut album was a little monotonous at the end of the day. On the other hand this change of direction makes clear the band hasn’t found their own face yet. They write good songs but I’m not sure I would recognise new songs as DEFACED tracks. Consequently I won’t become a big fan of THE DEFACED in the near future but some of you might. www.thedefaced.com
Ramon Claassen