One Kill Wonder
(Earache Records)
Phew! I had quite some trouble getting into the new HAUNTED material. Although it takes off with some doomy part totally in the good old SLAYER vein, “One Kill Wonder” is less straight forward than its predecessor. The only track I loved right from the beginning is the instrumental ‘Demon Eyes’ which instantly reminded me of AC/DC in the beginning. Additionally, Marc Aro’s voice started to get on my nerves a little as well! I have no idea why this was the case but as I was listening to the CD in my car yesterday: there it was, the click – something had turned the switch and I had trouble controlling my speed (the German police is always waiting for me…). I’ll stick to my theory of “One Kill Wonder” entering the brain more subtly than “The Haunted Made Me Do It” although songs like ‘Urban Predator’, ‘Downward Spiral’ or the title track should blast off every Thrash maniac’s head. ‘Shadow World’ is a fucking hit single for the Metal club in your area (if there is one) and ‘Shithead’ seems to take over a few elements of ‘Shadow World’ which doesn’t turn out to be annoying but rather helpful for blockheads like me. If you can still lay your hands on the limited edition of “One Kill Wonder”, go for that one as it looks nicer. On the other hand there are no bonus tracks on here, thank god (or rather Earache), so you don’t really miss anything. And catch THE HAUNTED on tour, they’re still for today’s Thrash scene what SLAYER used to be in the 80s!
Ramon Claassen