A Life Lead By Sorrow And Not By Myself
This new band from Germany is presenting their scene debut with this EP, and even if it’s only a limited amount of 3 songs the impression is quite positive. TOTAL NEGATION in person of Wiedergaenger is playing Suicide Black Metal / Funeral Doom and talking about a self produced demo with the normal sound problems and a basic inlay the music is in the position to catch the listener if this is your cup of beer. TOTAL NEGATION won’t reinvent the wheel with this music because the tools (dark guitars, ghostly vocals) are really limited but for fans of SILENCER, SHINING etc. all songs are offering this pure darkness. Hopefully life seems not too hopeless for Wiedergaenger since the release of this EP in February (I hope he’s still alive to read these lines!) but this is one of the better underground releases these days, so don’t hesitate to contact the band like in the good old times to get your copy of this album (especially since the price is really Metal Heart friendly!). Carpe Noctem! www.totalnegation.tk, www.myspace.com/totalnegation
Matthias Auch