April 05, 2023
On May 05, 2023 Signal Rex will release the fourth full length from Portuguese Black Metallers ORDEM SATÂNICA, “Perpetuum Satanas”, on vinyl LP format. It will feature the following tracks: ‘Trilho Ceremonial’, ‘Cidade Dos Mortos’, ‘Templo De Merda Humana’, ‘Putas, Sémen E Sangue’, ‘Sob A Influência… De Satan’, ‘Vermelha Visão De Outrora’, ‘Moribundo Sicário De Satan’ and ‘O Sacrifício Final (Para Satan)’. You can already check out an excerpt of the album closer ‘O Sacrifício Final (Para Satan)’ at this location. For more information please visit www.facebook.com/signalrec
Finnish Folk Black Metallers KOUTA have just released a video for ‘Sukujyrkkämä’ over here. The song will be featured on the band’s debut full-length “Kaarnaköydet”, which will be self-released on April 21, 2023 on CD and digitally. The drum parts were recorded in a remote cabin in Lapland, the guitars and bass at Pekka Posio’s studio in Helsinki. Vocals, choirs and all other instruments together with the live recording of ‘Äitimaan Laulu’ at Sonic Pump Studios, Helsinki. The album was mixed by Pekka Posio and mastered by Svante Forsbäck. The artwork was created by Arttu Pentikäinen / Antti Mäki / Midjourney. For all additional KOUTA information please visit www.facebook.com/koutaband