Year Of The Harvester
(Bowel Of Noise)

Album number three by ARCHEMORON from Greece. At first I was irritated about the name, the term "arche" and its meaning of beginning or source / root is quite known, but "moron"? Do not be fooled, the word is inspired by the ancient Hellenic mythology and "Moros" was the child of Nychta (night), having two brothers, Hypnos (sleep) and Efialtis (nightmare). In the ancient Hellenic language, "Archemoron" means the beginning ("arche") of death ("moros"), gladly this is explained on the band’s homepage, otherwise a moron like me would have thought the biggest nonsense. This time ARCHEMORON decided to release a double CD, with each one having five songs and a playing time about 40 minutes, clocking at 81:25 minutes in total. No extra long intros or other tricks to play out time, the four guys from Athens deliver well-crafted Black Metal throughout the whole playing time. Sometimes, while listening to "Year Of The Harvester" I felt like being back in the mid-nineties. Lots of influences from SATYRICON, IMMORTAL, ENSALVED, MAYHEM and ANCIENT, it seems like this era is the main inspiration. Some may call it the classic epoch of Norwegian Black Metal, since most bands changed their styles. But there is more to discover, like on the previous album there are influences of classical Heavy Metal. At some moments, particularly when vocals and blast beats are missing, you would never ever realize that it is a Black Metal album you are listening to. Periodically the riffs and leads are very melodic, reminding me of UNANIMATED and NAGLFAR. Especially when the acoustic guitar is used. "Year Of The Harvester" let me think of DORNENREICH. But that may be just because of my personal taste, everyone compares new bands to old ones he knows. By the way, no keyboards or synthesizer are used and the vocals are deep, slightly grunted while shrieks are totally missing. To sum it up: Black Metal based upon early / mid-nineties Scandinavian Black Metal with more traditional Heavy Metal like melodic (acoustic) guitars. No reason not to visit:,,

Mirco Szymyslik

Mirco Szymyslik

Related reviews / interviews:
ARCHEMORON - Sulphur And Fire (Michael Kujawska)

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