Dawn Of A Lifeless Age
(Aesthetic Death)
Both bands are from Germany and both play Doom Metal. But that is where the similarities end, because a different interpretation of the genre is presented. First up we have URZA with the two tracks ‘Maunder Minimum’ and ‘Through Ages Of Colossal Embitterment’, both clicking at 13 respectively 10 minutes. Especially the name of the second track and the title of their debut “The Omnipresence Of Lost” is the perfect description for the style of the outfit from Berlin. Slow and dark with ultra deep guttural vocals. The only things that offer variety is the sparingly used sharp screams, clean vocals, short up-tempo parts and every now and then even something like a melody makes an appearance but immediately gets lost in the nihilistic soundscape. A massive sound also contributes to the fact that these are two excellent tracks of Funeral Doom and Death Doom. CALLIOPHIS from Chemnitz, which are also represented with two songs and a playing time of the same length, already released three albums from 2008 until now and tend towards an atmosphere that emphasizes more on melancholy and grief. Especially during the instrumental passages, without the low-grunting vocals, the atmosphere can be described as melancholic but gentle. Not an all-destroying nihilism like URZA, but more of a kind of sadness that is not entirely hopeless. The melodies that the guitars present here particularly underline this aspect. Conclusion: both bands, no matter how different they sound, each present a different aspect of the genre and both are 100 percent convincing. Recommended for all Doom Metal fans, but also for those who have little contact with that style and can see for themselves how exciting the genre can be. Contact via www.facebook.com/urzadoom, www.facebook.com/calliophis, www.facebook.com/aestheticdeath.uk
Mirco Szymyslik