Absolution Through Dissolution
(Neckbreaker Records / Raw Skull Recordz)
There are Death Metal bands that get it. There are bands that understand the genre and focus on capturing the spirit of that genre. Then there are others who feel the need to play around and veer off the path with samples, experiments and nonsense. Luckily, DEMORED stick with the former. Hailing from Braunschweig, Germany, this band fronted by Magnus (guitar, vocals) barrels through 25 minutes of no-nonsense, guttural Death Metal the way it should be. Spain (guitars), Lennart (bass) and Nils (drum) round out the band in a consistent production of chugging, maniacal substance akin to the classic bands of old. ‘Rotting’ blasts into the start of "Absolution Through Dissolution" with bombastic force. "Rest In Pieces" keeps the pace as third track ‘Abiosis’ staggers and thunders through our souls with dark energy and decrepit miasma. ‘Reaping’ bounces back with a bloodthirsty dose of furious Metal. ‘Absorbing Vis’ could be the standout track with ups and downs, twists and turns. It builds and builds into a satisfying end. ‘Absoultion’ rounds out the final Death Metal track as ‘…Through Dissolution’ beautifully caresses our spirit with an acoustic guitar and faint keyboards. If you desire good, solid Death Metal, give "Absolution Through Dissolution" a try. It just might make your day. For more information, check out www.facebook.com/demoredmetal, www.facebook.com/neckbreakerrecs
David Simonton