Negative Monoliths
(Quality Steel Records)

There seems to be an endless reservoir of moronic band names. What the hell went wrong? Sex-crazed warmongers? Dr. Freud (the most famous couch doctor in history) would have been happy analyzing the three guys from Italy. The band labels its style as Perverted Extreme Metal and the reason for founding the band back in 2001 was the members disgust towards the modern Metal scene. Interestingly enough they look pretty normal, just some kind of typical Metal guys. "Leather, Metal, Spikes and Chains" to quote ‘Gloves Of Metal’ by MANOWAR. OK, never judge a book by its cover, let us take a look insight respectively take a listen to "Negative Monoliths"! And although I do not know what Dr. Freud might have thought about it, a brilliant title. And the music? Well, some kind of old school Death / Black Metal mixture, with some really great tunes! Sometimes more slow, in the vein of perhaps BOLT THROWER or ASPHYX, you know this kind of slow heavy riffing, when the world seems to freeze. Whereas sometimes, for example the opener ‘Nothing But Void’ , the band sounds more like a Scandinavian Black Metal outfit. Occasionally this album makes me think of DARKTHRONE when they discovered their Death Metal roots during the turn of the century. If you have never been into albums like "Ravishing Grimness" or "Plaguewielder" you will not like "Negative Monoliths" (by the way, the second full-length by ETERNAL SEX AND WAR). But just in case you like the mentioned DARKTHRONE albums (there must be some people out there who do) do not be fooled by the stupid name ETERNAL SEX AND WAR. This album deserves a chance by everyone who is into old school Death / Black Metal.,

Mirco Szymyslik

Mirco Szymyslik

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