Rotten Decay
South America has always been a go to place for fierce, aggressive and brutal Metal, and it always seemed like, the more brutal and dark the genre has been, the more frantic and aggressive the music has been. EVIL HATRED is a band born out of the ashes of THY SERPENT’S CULT, a band that quickly became a favourite of mine with their brutal and DEICIDE influenced Death Metal. EVIL HATRED do continue in the same DEICIDE influenced vein, though with a more old school and brutal approach to things. There is a wild and furious side to this album, that I haven’t heard, neither from EVIL HATRED nor THY SERPENT’s CULT, and that does suit the band and the output "Rotten Decay". We have some good hooking raw riffing, quite out of the highway pounding drumming, some decent but very effective and hooking songwriting packed in a raw and little chaotic production, that fits the output perfectly and adds some energy on top of the band’s intensity. On top of it all we have the double-recorded growls, I reckon, to put the last topping of brutality on the cake, a guttural to screamed growl stuffed with frustration and intensity. A serious slab of brutal Death Metal and a quite competent debut album that kicks some serious ass. Now a good serious label or two, just need to get the eyes open for EVIL HATRED, so the asskicking Chilean Death Metal gang can get a good deal and some serious distribution, while that is happening I’ll go back to headbanging! Join the lunatics of god’s creation at www.facebook.com/evilhatred
Anders Peter Jørgensen