Issue # 1
(50 pages, A4, printed, in German)

Trying to establish a new print-zine nowadays surely deserves some respect. Christian Metzner of Ad Noctum / Streetcleaner – fame goes for it with his new brainchild whose name is a tribute to one of the most popular BATHORY-albums. Fittingly, this first issue features a long in-depth interview with probably the biggest Quorthon-worshipper ever, Jeannette Lohaus, responsible for the "A Tribute From The Hordes" sampler. Apart from that pretty fascinating insight into the world of truly possessed hardcore-fandom there is quite a well-rounded selection of bands with a heavy emphasis on Osmose-artists such as DETONATION, THESYRE, ALLFADER and MELECHESH. Personal highlights include the interviews with ANCIENT RITES’ Gunter Theys (always a pleasure to read discussions with one of the few personalities within the scene that actually has something to say), NOX (for the sheer madness of it all) and MYRKGRAV (despite his young age a very self-confident and conscious guy). RED HARVEST and especially IMMOLATION deliver rather standard-promotion chatter which is not necessarily the interviewer’s fault. A nice gimmick are the small info-boxes which are included in some of the articles to provide some extra information about topics hinted at during the conversations, for example about the Flemish – Wallonian conflict in the ANCIENT RITES-interview. True Metal education! On top of all that you get some live-reviews (MANOWAR, VOLBEAT) and a whole bunch of album reviews (a little bit too much Porn-Grind for my personal liking). Bonus points for NOT including one of those useless CDs, which is a total waste of time and material in the age of MySpace and downloading! So, a more than decent effort for a very fair price (2,50 Euro + 1 Euro for delivery) that definitely deserves your support and can be obtained via webmaster@adnoctum.de.

Torsten Gründig

Torsten Gründig

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