Issue # 4
(92 Pages, A4, printed, in German)
Germany’s HAMMERHEART zine should be no stranger to the VOICES readers anymore as we already had reviewed their first two issues back when they got released… Well, unlike many other print zines, it seems they’re still alive and well as issue # 4 recently reared its ugly head… and as expected, turned out as impressive as before (professional layout, colored cover and printed on high glossy paper). Musically the zine features Doom, Pagan, Black, Death Metal and Deathgrind, so all those of you who are into such a variety of styles and who are able to understand the German language will most certainly find quite a lot of information in here, especially since the majority of the content consists of bands that are still deeply rooted in the worldwide underground. Issue # 4 features interviews with THE GROTESQUERY, FORSAKEN, SPAWN, SOLSTAFIR, FÄULNIS, FINNTROLL, FOREFATHER, FORTÍÐ, GALAR, HELL DARKNESS, MORPHOSYS, NASHGUL, ODIOUS, ROTTING CHRIST, RUINS, CONVICTORS, SLARTIBARTFASS and ALICE COOPER (!), plus three rather short chats with BANGSAT / CAUSE OF DIVORCE, Frank Melech (he’s also responsible for the cover art of this issue) and Maik Godau. The massive review section (content wise about 30% of the zine) covers tons of CDs, vinyl and fanzines. It sells for 4 Euro (plus 1 Euro postage inside of Germany, for order outside of Germany contact Christian for additional postage costs first) at the following address: Christian Metzner, Landwehr 1, 64823 Gross-Umstadt, Germany, www.adnoctum.de, www.myspace.com/hammerheartzine
Frank Stöver
• HAMMERHEART - Issue # 1 (Torsten Gründig)
• HAMMERHEART - Issue # 6 (Thomas Georg)