Signs Of Saturn
(Fallen Temple)

Oha! The afterborn of Lucifer himself is taking an attempt to leave grafitti in the garden of Eden? At least when one likes to interpret the sleeve artwork of the current album of these Paraguayan Doomsters. But the musical signs these three are leaving, are more intresting. Talking about Doom, the question might always be, can a band celebrate authentic Doom Metal without sounding like BLACK SABBATH? At least LUCIFER’S CHILDREN can’t! Already the first riff in the opening track ‘The Blessed Harvest’ contains this typical feeling, which continues through the whole album. Every track features moments, riffs and breaks which do remember the legendary founders of that genre. Which is not disturbing at all! Here and there a hint of twin-leaded THIN LIZZY is added and organic-sounding Seventies Rock vibes are also obviously to hear – not the badest reminiscences in Rock’n’Roll to play with, if we are honest! The slow-motion songwriting of mastermind and guitarist R. Doom together with singer Lidi Ramirez’ conjuring and hypnotic voice are creating a truly mystic, almost unholy atmosphere. Songs like the slowly crawling ‘My Bloodlust To The Moon’ or the nicely distorted played ‘Goat Of Mendes’ are definitely hitting the nerve, especially when Lidi Ramirez lets herself fall into the words, pronounces them in a special way or dragging them. Together with itchy-noisy and simple sounding drums pounding from the back of the happening and an organic guitar-sound in the vein of the Seventies Rock thing “Signs Of Saturn” under the line is a really good record, which finds its absolute highlights in the title-track and the final track ‘The One Who Hears The Time’s Voice’. Ten minutes of intensity, ten minutes of slowly-dooming passion and atmosphere before silence comes. Play it again! And again! And again…,

Wedekind Gisbertson

Wedekind Gisbertson

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