(Adipocere Records)
Another release from Poland, licensed by Empire Records to Adipocere for western territories distribution purpose. The question is if we really need another record like this one can be raised again, as NAUMACHIA offer a rather tasteless brand of melodic progressive Death Metal heavily tainted with Power Metal inputs. As usual with this new generation of Polish bands, the playing abilities of the musicians is extremely high, the production sounds effective and well crafted, it is just that the final result could induce a severe attack of boredom after let’s say ten minutes of attentive listening. When confronted to a record like “Wrathorn”, I admit my capacities to give the readers a clear view of what is going on reach the point of nullity. In fact I feel the weight of an extreme tiredness on my shoulders, so much this record appears empty of anything exciting. NAUMACHIA offer a sort of uneasy mix between DARK TRANQUILLITY and CHILDREN OF BODOM, and the outcome is indigent to say the least. This is prefabricated music, too much formatted and calculated to sound totally honest and coming from the heart. I suspect these musicians tried hard to come out with a very sophisticated and technically irreproachable songs (most of them are introduced or intertwined by nice piano pieces, the keyboards are really massively used in the background, the compositions are rather complex), but “Wrathorn” is way too much polished to seduce an old rager like me. I prefer the real stuff (‘The Gallery’ for example) instead of this mishmash of tedious ideas. Considering the actual price of a CD, I can’t seriously advice anybody to buy this. And I don’t intend to change my ways of evaluate bands in a near future, sorry for those who might feel offended, in this case the NAUMACHIA musicians and their label.
Edouard Vergriete