Rising From Purulence
Necro-Basement-Death Metal this is. NECROWRETCH, a newcomer from France play old school Death in a vein that resembles the times of tape trading and bad-paper fanzines. The band consists of only two members – Gutsfucker and Blastphemator. The names are put here just to inform you about their intentions. And they are good ones – to bring hell, nothing less, upon the hearing of unprepared is their mission. Cacophonous fucked-up maelstrom of a sound is their signature but they topple it with a great deal of melody. Swedish stuff is all over the place – melody, delivery, morbidity, attitude. The vocals shriek like a Death Metal venomous snake spilling its guts out – something like the vocals in DOMINI INFERI (Dutch Black Metal band), only harsher. The bass is reminiscent of another Black Metal band, France’s ARPHAXAT – chainsawing the innocent with pure barbaric intent. It is funny that I put a Black Metal comparison in front of Death Metal ones, but it only shows these guys use any possible means to slay. Be assured though, this is Death Metal in its virginal purity. The drums and guitar top all this and make it a pure pleasure to hear. Except for the production… which is simply shit. Production is always a controversial theme among purists and I like bad ones, but under one condition – it must enhance the overall listening experience in a good way. Here, that is not the case. Due to the constant buzzing it is impossible to listen to this album with maximum volume on – which is a shame. You see what I mean? But wait… I am not sure anymore. Maybe it is used to the effect of putting the innocence of these youths upfront? You decide. The release is fairly short with the tracks clocking around two minutes each. This is very interesting because a lot of ideas are displayed in songs and this shortness was, for sure, done intentionally. This demo, in my opinion, serves as a spirited foretaste of a many great things we can expect from this band in the future. I cannot wait for their full length and I am sure it will storm the Death Metal world when unleashed. This is fresh, full of youthful vigour and love of all things dead and rotten. Recommended. www.myspace.com/vladrituals
Branko Matijaševic
• NECROWRETCH - With Serpents Scourge (Michael Kujawska)
• NECROWRETCH - Even Death May Die (Nathaniel Colas)
• NECROWRETCH - Bestial Rites (Julian "Assumed Dead" Nunez)
• NECROWRETCH - Putrid Death Sorcery (Julian “Goat-headed” Núñez)
• NECROWRETCH - Now You're In Hell (Nathaniel Colas)
• NECROWRETCH - Ripping Souls Of Sinners (Hacker)
• NECROWRETCH - Putrefactive Infestation (Anders Peter Jørgensen)
• NECROWRETCH - Interview (Nathaniel Colas)