(Vic Records)
Ever since the industrial revolution, we humans love things that vibrate; from coin-operated beds in motel rooms of the past to the more sophisticated chairs and slippers you’ll find in a Skymall catalog. The idea of a machine doing nothing but servicing us is part of the reason we have technology in the first place, right? I don’t own a vibrating office chair or a um… personal vibrator unfortunately but really I’m just afraid of spoiling myself. If I use it everyday, then that would mean I need to use it everyday or my daily mundane activities would just suck even more without it. Also, blast beats tend to suffice. POLLUTED INHERITANCE is a musical vibrator. If you like your Death Metal airtight, technical and progressions so quick they seem to glide you along a tectonic plane of aural thumping, then check out "Ecocide". I took some delight in the title because I read it as "Earth Murder". Whether or not that’s what they meant, it is an all encompassing term, one that does not isolate the destruction of a group, age range or individual, but, in fact, death or destruction in totality all life ceasing to exist in one swift blow. Perhaps it isn’t so swift that it would happen in an instant, but at the very least it would take as long as the duration of this album. Some standout tracks for me are ‘Fear’ and ‘Stillborn’. They seem to emphasize the band’s melodic punctuations amid rapid fire blast beasts and technical amalgamations. Even more wonderful are the bonus tracks included from their 1991 demo, "After Life". Listening to these are like riding the County fair version of a roller coaster – they’re rougher, clunkier and you can feel everything. Listen to the whole thing, experience the breadth and raw talent of this band and totally murder one hour of your life. It is a refreshing Death Metal album that makes you happy about the fact that you can still find Death Metal refreshing. Either that or it’s from all the vibrating… Slayage. www.facebook.com/pollutedinheritance, www.vicrecords.com
Angelica Jannone