(Locomotive Records)
As a Voices reader you should be a defender of the Death / Black cult but we all have a small part in our hearts for the Power Metal section and your head should automatically start to move to ICED EARTH and BLIND GUARDIAN as it moves to SLAYER, MEGADETH, DARKTHRONE etc. Unfortunately good Power Metal releases within the last years are nearly as seldom as the good Black Metal releases and I’m feeling luckily to attest PYRAMAZE that their third release "Immortal" has the potential to reach my personal Power Metal top ten. A band with Matthew Barlow (ICED EARTH) as frontman seems / will attract the media like a pot of honey but a singer is only "one instrument" and if the rest is nothing like hot air a band can’t survive on the long run. PYRAMAZE easily find the balance to give "the voice" the necessary room and on the other hand create catchy and real memorable songs. Just listen to ‘Year Of The Phoenix’ and the described headbang-automatic will start, I promise. A good album which will really help to survive the current blackout of several established Power Metal acts. www.locomotiverecords.com, www.pyramaze.com
Matthias Auch