Requiem Of The Apocalypse
(Aftermath Music)
Maybe I out myself as a pussy now, but yeah I like Doom / Death Metal. MY DYING BRIDE or MOURNING BELOVETH are great bands, that sometimes are the right relaxing music I need, when not listening to brutal stuff. RUNEMAGICK’s 2002 effort “Requiem Of The Apocalypse” is another perfect soundtrack for the candlelit moments of a Death Metal-fan, if one can say so. RUNEMAGICK mix BLACK SABBATH or traditional Doom Metal with typical Swedish Death Metal and intense growled vocals. Anyone who likes it a bit more slow sometimes, should be extremely satisfied with this release, especially ‘Funeral Caravan’ (great bells of Doom!!!), ‘On Chariots To Hades’ or ‘Dawn Of The Lava Aeon’ are really good doomy Death Metal songs, that let sinister heaviness flow in blackenend rivers from your speakers. It is sad, that this band went a bit under after they left Century Media Records, because Nicklas Rudolfsson and the rest of RUNEMAGICK are without any doubt talented songwriters and musicians, who manifest their individual style with “Requiems Of The Apocalypse” once again. Be sure to give this underrated band a serious chance! Surf to www.aftermath-music.com or the band’s excellent website: www.runemagickonline.com for more information and free soundfiles.
Stefan Franke