Voices / European Edition
(Mondongo Canibale Records)
From Medellin, Colombia the home of the infamous drug cartel of Pablo Escobar, appears from out of the shadows of that city the Doom Metallers TENEBRARUM. Their CD, "Voices", unbelievably the seventh album in this band’s history, and a band regarded as "probably the most well known Gothic / Doom Metal act from Colombia" by their own label. It is incredible to me that until this very moment, I have never even heard of this band?! And to that, these ears easily could of withstood not ever hearing this album if my life passed before me either in a flash or in a harsh painful method; like being thrown out of a helicopter, arms bound behind my back, only to die from hanging by a rope until my neck had snapped! Brutal as these words may be, it is in no comparison to the minor pit of cruelty that I have been subjected to for the past 45 minutes. Obnoxiously slow riffs, granted it is Goth / Doom. However add to this unoriginality in the arrangements, a stunning lack of direction and / or passion within the actual songs, annoying and overly used violin accompaniments, random backing female caterwauls, and a lead vocalist who sounds like Sully Ema of GODSMACK. It really is enough to take a sane person over the edge. From the band’s own website, seems TENEBRARUM were voted the "best Colombian Metal band" by Shock magazine, the alleged "most important Rock publication in Colombia"… Are you serious?! Have you never heard of MASACRE? Now that is the best Colombian Metal band there is! Contact: tenebrarumx@yahoo.com or www.tenebrarumband.com or www.mondongocanibale.com or Mondongo Canibale Records, P.O. Box 27106, 28080 Madrid, Spain.
Wes Rhodes