Cormorant Philosophy
(Rising Nemesis Records)
The debut EP from German THE SOVEREIGN is now available courtesy of Rising Nemesis Records. The band started in 2011. So far this is the first material I hear from the band. Technical Death Metal with a tad of Deathcore is what they play. The technical proficiency of these guys is obvious in “Cormorant Philosophy”. Their songs display lots of tempo changes, heavy riffing, great vocals (a mix of grunts, deep growls and some high pitched screams), pounding bass and excellent drum work. All in all, the classic recipe for their style of music. The production is sharp and tight. All the instruments are easily recognizable and heard in the mix and it adds to a really balanced overall modern sound. The band excels in every department except for one: memorable moments. With a few top notch exceptions of riffs, a couple of breakdowns and some tasty leads, the songs have a similar vibe. Just too similar to my ear. I guess some variation is in order. And that comes along with experience and developing their own character. Other than that, THE SOVEREIGN is a solid band for technical Death Metal and Deathcore fans in need of a brutal and solid EP. You can contact the band here: www.facebook.com/thesovereignger and their EP is available here: http://thesovereignofficial.bandcamp.com. You can contact their label here: www.risingnemesisrecords.de, http://risingnemesisrecords.bandcamp.com
Alfonso Perez