(20 Buck Spin)
“Helionomicon” is the other record released by ULTHAR this same year, yet it also feels more like something to complement, that does not derives far away from the other release. Now, while the other had eight songs in your average five minutes length, this one only has two and both at the twenty minutes mark. Again, the production values are basically the same to the other album that is released with this one, at least that’s how it sounds to my rotten ears. And the music style is also pretty much the same, meaning that there is that strong CARCASS sound from the second and third albums, with some subtle Black Metal touches… actually this one has a more Black Metal sound than the other. One thing I can also notice is that this one is a bit less technical and complex, probably due to the length of the songs, or just that listening to this for so long is making me lose my sanity. So, that’s a good thing… I guess. The musicianship is top notch, no doubt about that, and again, this one is the type of album that requires more than a few listening sessions to catch all that buried dreams energy it oozes. I must mention that both, this and the other album, have some really great visuals, and if I am not wrong, all of the music and lyrics are parts of an interesting twisted story. Putting all pieces together, the puzzles (of flesh) will finally open and set your soul free… another album that will grow with each listen, and once it sinks into your flesh, this and “Anthronomicon” are without a doubt contenders for top in 2023. More information you will find at www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063748920083 or www.facebook.com/20buckspin
Julián “Anthronomicon” Núñez
• ULTHAR - Providence (Sebastián Salce)