Grim Catharsis
(Ranka Kustannus)

"Grim Catharsis" is the debut by WORTHLESS from Finland. The trio presents a very reduced form of Death Metal. Based on a mid-tempo rhythm-section the riffs are slowly making their way to the listener’s mind, from time to time a guitar-solo makes an appearance. That is, besides some up-tempo parts, all. But very effective, because the riffs are of that special category. That special category bands like GRAVE, ASPHYX or BOLT THROWER are known for. Heavy with a touch of morbid atmosphere. Or, in this case, grim. Damn, "Grim Catharsis" is a pretty fitting name for an album like this! Take for example the song ‘Commence The Sacrifice’. After a slow beginning the whole affair turns into a merciless mid-tempo groove and then fading away with some fine guitar melodies at the end. Every time I listened to this output it grew stronger and stronger, because of all the little details, a bass-line here, a D-Beat drumming there and although the songs are rather simple all is done with passion for detail. http://worthless1.bandcamp.com, www.facebook.com/worthlessofficial, www.rankakustannus.fi

Mirco Szymyslik

Mirco Szymyslik

Related reviews / interviews:
WORTHLESS - Demo 2015 (Michael Tak)

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