August 15, 2006
The two German underground zines MYSTICAL MUSIC and CARNAGE MAG, have joined forces for a one off split issue. The 104 pages monster features in-depth interviews with MASSACRE, Martin Van Drunen (PESTILENCE), HAEMORRHAGE, BENEDICTION, SINISTER, Bard Faust (EMPEROR / SCUM), AKERCOCKE, DEATHEVOKATION, TAETRE, DARK FUNERAL, MESSIAH, CYNIC, Alex Marquez (MALEVOLENT CREATION / SOLSTICE etc.), NOMINON, PENTACLE, MORGOTH, NECROVATION, FLESHGORE, SCENT OF DEATH, VERMIS, AVENGER OF BLOOD and of course a shitload of reviews. Every order receives a free MYSTICAL MUSIC vs. CARNAGE CD compilation (feat. bands like Nominon, Paganizer, Pentacle, Purgatory, Casket Garden, Vermis etc.). For ordering info check out or