February 19, 2024
On March 21, 2024 Purity Through Fire will release “In Honorem Mortis”, the debut full length from German Black Metallers AD MORTEM, on CD, A5 digipak, vinyl LP and cassette tape formats. It will feature the following tracks: ‘Von Hohen Himmeln’, ‘Größer Als Das Leben’, ‘Labyrith’, ‘Der Letzte Feind’, ‘Urgewalt’, ‘Auf Kalten Gräbern’, ‘Todesstreben’ and ‘Death & Beyond’. You can already check out the album opener ‘Von Hohen Himmeln’ over here. More about AD MORTEM at www.facebook.com/admortem666
Argentina’s Black / Thrashers NEKRO CVLT DESECRATION are looking for places to play in Europe, so if you are a booking agent or if you can help the band in any other way, please get in touch with them at www.facebook.com/nekrocvltdesecration616. You can watch a video for ‘Antichristian Black Metal Reaper’ at this location. The track will be featured on an upcoming split release with BLASPHEMANIAC from Brazil.