Dying Alone
(Atavism Records)
AFFLICTION GATE’s new EP encompasses the attitude and feeling of early 90s Death Metal with an excellent and brutal performance up to the standards of today’s underground. It actually has a similar vibe to MASSACRA’s first album "Final Holocaust". Straight forward songs with a lot of variation and tempo changes. Basically "Dying Alone" stays aeons away from that hollow overproduced sound that has become common in the last 10-15 years. The line-up for this EP certainly delivers! Herastratos is just a great vocalist. He has an identy, which is so hard to get nowadays and he soars through every song with a lot of power. The rhythm section of Nico (bass) and Laurent (drums) provide a really solid foundation for Grief’s maniacal riffing style and Bobby’s elegant lead work. I liked most the fact that each song has its own personality. They stand out by themselves. Sometimes the riffs add a little melody to spice things up. And although there are only 4 songs here (plus two bonus tracks on this particular tape edition: ‘Gone And Forgotten’ and ‘The Worst Is Yet To Come’, the latter from the "We Are French Fuck You!" compilation – Frank), there is enough variation to make "Dying Alone" a really interesting listen that you may be having more than once. Because all in all, it is over too soon. The production is a huge aid; a tight mix where each instrument is sitting in the perfect spot, thick guitar and bass tones with a bump in the mid frequencies, deep yet natural sounding drums and great gurgling vocals. All of these aspects combined with mostly mid paced rhythms and interesting song structures. What else can one ask for? "Dying Alone" is an all out assault of great sounding Death Metal. I still can’t believe how memorable these songs are, since I’ve found myself humming some of the riffs everyday. My advice: go ahead and get this now! It is that good! The band’s official Facebook page: www.facebook.com/afflictiongate, label contact here: www.facebook.com/atavismrecords
Alfonso Perez

Dying Alone
(Transcending Obscurity)
Since this record crossed my path in social networks and music blogs for the first time, I have to admit, the cover picture creeps the shit out of me. It really has that magic of staring at you and making you wanting to tell it to shut up. Anyone remembers the "News Of The World" cover from QUEEN? Talking about the musical persuasion, the third EP of French Death Metal horde AFFLICTION GATE, “Dying Alone”, leaves me uncertain what to feel about it. Though it delivers a lot satisfying elements and fist raising moments, it just won’t dig deeper in my head. It feels like they seek security in the tried and tested. By not going above the proven recipes of Death Metal. “Dying Alone” opens with raging anger. Disharmonious riffing flanked by straight and brutal thrashing drums, led by a vocalist who doesn’t want to state the idea of why they are here. Very good so far. But instead of leading the sheep’s into their deserved abyss, they offer peace trough superior melodic solos and early breaks just too early. Which kinda takes the wind out of their sails. The whole concept is more or less easy song structures enriched with rhythm changes, harmonious solos and slower more doomy parts. Nothing too fancy, nothing extravagant. But straight and therefore kinda intransigent. The sound is of excellent quality and the four guys damn good musicians which provides a diversified Death Metal experience. With AFFLICTION GATE you will find a band which holds the torch of old school Death Metal up high while retaining the modern stench of darker brutal Death Metal. For further Info check: www.facebook.com/pages/affliction-gate/186667891481139, www.transcendingobscurity.com

Dying Alone
(Atavism Records)
AFFLICTION GATE’s new EP encompasses the attitude and feeling of early 90s Death Metal with an excellent and brutal performance up to the standards of today’s underground. It actually has a similar vibe to MASSACRA’s first album "Final Holocaust". Straight forward songs with a lot of variation and tempo changes. Basically "Dying Alone" stays aeons away from that hollow overproduced sound that has become common in the last 10-15 years. The line-up for this EP certainly delivers! Herastratos is just a great vocalist. He has an identy, which is so hard to get nowadays and he soars through every song with a lot of power. The rhythm section of Nico (bass) and Laurent (drums) provide a really solid foundation for Grief’s maniacal riffing style and Bobby’s elegant lead work. I liked most the fact that each song has its own personality. They stand out by themselves. Sometimes the riffs add a little melody to spice things up. And although there are only 4 songs here (plus two bonus tracks on this particular tape edition: ‘Gone And Forgotten’ and ‘The Worst Is Yet To Come’, the latter from the "We Are French Fuck You!" compilation – Frank), there is enough variation to make "Dying Alone" a really interesting listen that you may be having more than once. Because all in all, it is over too soon. The production is a huge aid; a tight mix where each instrument is sitting in the perfect spot, thick guitar and bass tones with a bump in the mid frequencies, deep yet natural sounding drums and great gurgling vocals. All of these aspects combined with mostly mid paced rhythms and interesting song structures. What else can one ask for? "Dying Alone" is an all out assault of great sounding Death Metal. I still can’t believe how memorable these songs are, since I’ve found myself humming some of the riffs everyday. My advice: go ahead and get this now! It is that good! The band’s official Facebook page: www.facebook.com/afflictiongate, label contact here: www.facebook.com/atavismrecords
Alfonso Perez

Dying Alone
(Transcending Obscurity)
French Death Metallers AFFLICTION GATE’s third EP “Dying Alone” pummels the listener with a blistering opening track of flesh-ripping chaos entitled ‘Negative Lucidity’. Vocalist Herastratos delivers the brutality we have come to expect from this band. The second track ‘Devising Our Own Chains’ continues with a solid reply, only to be followed up by the energetic chugging of ‘Chemical Madness’. Guitarists Grief and Bobby provide a righteous mix of aggressiveness and death-notes any Death Metal fan will surely appreciate. Rounded out by Nico and Laurent Michalak on bass and drums respectively, the EP ends with a bloodthirsty track (‘Manicheism Inertia’), with an overall consistent and enjoyable set of tracks. For more band information, check out www.facebook.com/pages/affliction-gate/186667891481139, www.transcendingobscurity.com.
David Simonton
• AFFLICTION GATE - Severance (Dead to This World) (Branko Matijaševic)
• AFFLICTION GATE - Shattered Ante Mortem Illusions (Nathan Shapiro)
• AFFLICTION GATE - Aeon Of Nox (From Darkness Comes... (Thomas Ehrmann )
• AFFLICTION GATE - Interview (Branko Matijaševic)