The second album of this band, formed in Washington back in 2007, is actually a good step in the right direction, while maintaining their style of very atmospheric blackish Metal with a environmental thematic, and still using acoustic passages in their music, with the use of clean vocals here and there. The production is better in the guitar tone, thus making it to sound heavier, same can be said about the grim vocals. Also, I can sense a lot of Post Rock influences in their music, but quite well done and always keeping the band on the atmospheric side of Metal. One can feel that the musicians have a connection with Gaia by listening to the magnificent song ‘Shadow Of The Mountain’, with some very melancholic acoustic guitar and clean vocals. This is the kind of band that will evolve on each album and I will not be surprised if sometime in their career they leave out the Metal elements. On just five songs with over 50 minutes of length, open minded Metallers that are fond of acoustic music that recalls the powers of mother earth, and that can evoke immense feelings within, will surely enjoy this work. For me, the Speed Metal addict I am, this is still good in a certain mood, blackened Doom Metal fans will also enjoy this one, and there is a new release of the band out now, so if you enjoy the style, it is surely something to look for. www.facebook.com/alda-116289091792839, www.eisenton.de
Julián “Wandering Spirit” Núñez
• ALDA - Alda (Julián “Venom In The Waters” Núñez)