Dead Insecta Sequestration
(Agonia Records)
I really had high hopes in this release as we received it from Poland’s Agonia Records along with the new URGEHAL, ARMAGEDDA and BULLET records – and if you read the reviews on those three somewhere else on our website, you will already be aware of the fact that it was all first class material from great bands! But there’s always exceptions to the rule and French CELESTIA is definitely one of them! I really have no idea what made the Agonia guys sign them. They probably were completely stoned or too drunk to recognize that this is nothing but pure crap! CELESTIA get labeled as Black Metal (Zzzzzzzz) and if you compare them to the aforementioned URGEHAL or ARMAGEDDA you will easily understand why they suck so much. The vocals, which are way too much upfront in the mix, belong to the most ridiculous I’ve heard in quite a while and by no means represent a dark, blasphemous musical style such as Black Metal. It’s simply immature sounding screaming, with no feeling in it at all. And the music isn’t any better. Uninspired thrashy Metal with no standout riffing or memorable melody line and even rather poor produced. No, sorry – this was a real pain in the ass listening experience that I certainly don’t like to repeat again. I just hope that it gets sold for the price of a mini CD (for it is only half an hour long), but I seriously doubt it… For further info check out: www.agoniarecords.dm.net.pl
Frank Stöver