The Law Of The Strong
(Agonia Records)
There’s a thin line between chaos and order. Sadistik Exekution manages to border on this line without falling down (under). So, could New Zealand ‘s Dawn Of Azazel give us the necessary violence where the music borders between a total mess of sound or great tracks that grow on you? I often find messy music to grow on me, at least when there’s something indefinable that catches my interest. “The Law Of The Strong” is surely an utterly violent album. The music is rapid and pretty technical… and goes nowhere besides this. I mean, what’s the point behind such an album? It’s not original and it doesn’t contain the master tracks. In the end it turns out to be a mess. Of course, if you go for the violence for violence’s sake, then I can assure you “The Law Of The Strong” is your cup of blood. But personally I stick to the masters of this race, namely Sad X.
Roy Kristensen
• DAWN OF AZAZEL - Bloodforged Abdication (Charles Keller)