Evil Priest
(Caverna Abismal Records)
A Death Metal band from Peru, Lima! Immediately that draws my attention, considering great bands like MORTEM and HADEZ emerged from this same capital. That doesn’t guarantee anything, yeah I know. EVIL PRIEST is a slightly young band, formed in 2015, that at first might sound miles away from the bands mentioned. For instance, the sound on this four track release is very heavy and would suit a Crust / Grindcore band. What’s interesting is that there’s a fine line between old school Death Metal riffing and atmosphere and Grindcore brutality and heaviness. It’s excellent stuff! It could have been warped from the ninetees and this is only meant as a compliment, concerning the violence that isn’t over the top and has a dark touch as well. It’s fairly simple and straight forward music, but thereby effective. Guitarist E.P. (Supreme Invocations from the Depths) handles vocals and sounds a bit like Van Drunen. A quick and dirty comparison would be calling this a blend of POSSESSED mixed with RIGHTEOUS PIGS. "Evil Priest" features four tracks of which the opener ‘Ikarus’ is an intro and those three are enough to give you justify all. It’s their first release, but it’s a very cool and brutal one. This review turns out to be short and simple, but that saves you time and the main call to action is: buy this and give these guys a chance, because they deserve it. No more needed to say (apart from the fact that this is a limited CD re-release of the band’s demo via Caverna Abismal Records – Frank). For more info, go to www.facebook.com/evilpriestdeathmetal, www.cavernaabismal.com
Michael Tak

Evil Priest
(Caligari Records)
What comes to your mind first if you think of Peru and extreme Metal? Yes, it’s MORTEM, the old hands of the South American Metal scene. But of course there’s a lot more Metal in the land of the Inka. A really new example for this is the duo EVIL PRIEST. Started in 2015, it took them a year to reveal a first sign of life, a self-titled demo tape with a (too) long intro and three songs. And as soon as they got through the introduction ‘Ikarus’, the Peruvian guys reward the listeners with rude Death Metal that won’t deny its South American heritage as well as the roots of the oldest schools of evil. Yes, if you take a deep breath of EVIL PRIEST, you’ll inhale the spirit of POSSESSED, INCUBUS and even a little hint of early SLAYER. This mix might not sound revolutionary or progressive, but it’s a refreshing sound that always hits the mind of those old geezers like me. Thus I can only recommend songs like especially ‘Gates Of Beyond’, that shows anything the EVIL PRIEST has to offer. More band information you’ll find at www.facebook.com/evilpriestdeathmetal. The limited tape edition of “Evil Priest” is available from the caring label www.caligarirecords.com or www.facebook.com/caligarirecords. As always, the tape edition is done with love and care, so expect the best!
Thomas Meyer