Disgusting Perception

These FATAL (and there are many of them) are not the unfortunately dormant Death / Thrashers from Detroit, Michigan, but an old school Death Metal band from Heredia, Costa Rica. But that doesn’t matter, because “Disgusting Perception” is an absolutely convincing Death Metal album that should make every genre fan happy. The band, which has been around since 2022, has recorded eight wonderfully brutal Death Metal hits on their second release, which do not contain any innovations, which is not necessary, but completely cover the spectrum of brutal Death Metal and even weave Thrash Metal elements into the musical massacre on ‘Putrid’, which make this song stand out from the eight tracks included, which otherwise differ more in variations in speed. Definitely the most original song on the album. FATAL’s music thrives on the abysmal vocals, which are occasionally reminiscent of early GRAVE and tower majestically over the songs, and the irrepressible energy that the guys convey in their songs. Every song really is a brutal kick in the face! The production is down-to-earth but perfect and transports the aggression of the music 100% into your living room! What also characterises this FATAL is that you can feel how much fun the guys had beating up the material. You can’t present straightforward Death Metal that is aware of its role models in a more authentic and intense way. Pure, unadulterated and totally brilliant old school Death Metal fun. You have to hear it! More about FATAL at: www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100090020941594, https://fatal666.bandcamp.com

Olaf Brinkmann

Olaf Brinkmann

Related reviews / interviews:
FATAL - Retrospective From Hell (Frank Stöver)

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