Black Mass Krakow 2004
(Metal Mind Productions)
approx. 60min
Black Metal has witnessed and survived in the last now 25 years of existence especially in connection with the "support" of the mass media several ups and big downs. Next to the church burnings in Norway middle of the last decade and the final battle between MAYHEM and BURZUM (with the wellknown end for each side) the famous (the record company call it the infamous) GORGOROTH gig in Krakow has become one of the most media recognized moments in Black Metal history. The facts are really wellknown and can be found on nearly every Metal related side so I will concentrate on the mere facts of this historical gig. Blood, fire, death is maybe not a phrase often related to GORGOROTH but a very easy way to summarize this DVD. The band promised a bloody gig and the 13 songs from all their releases until 2004 are proving that this wasn’t an empty promise. Sheep heads all around the stage, 4 nude models on wooden crosses (quite hard the see that during ‘Possessed By Satan’ one of the female models (victims they are called later on) just fades away and it looks like the song has shown his pure potential) and a place looking overall more like a warplace than a acting stage. Seeing GORGOROTH performing their old songs (‘Bergtrollets Hevn’, ‘Profetens Apenbaring’) in the line-up from 2004 (Gaahl, Infernus, King ov Hell plus Apollyon from AURA NOIR) giving the latest developments and the final split of the band during 2007 / 2008 a very sad note because the DVD proves the potential of this band. The sound (Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround) plus the different camera perspectives making this DVD a quite enjoyable trip and the criticism of a mere money making release can be rejected because the bonus section had been collected with real passion. The bonus material like biography, desktop images and weblinks are not really worth mentioning because pure standard these days but the discography is up to date and especially the photo gallery is a must for a real fan with a collecting of old pictures plus more than several dozens live pictures from all over the world. The additional live concert from With Full Force 2000 makes me wondering why Metal Mind chose this one because the sound is non existing and the same songs (‘Destroyer’, ‘Incipit Satan’) can be found on the Krakow concert. Overall "Black Mass Krakow 2004" is maybe not a "Live In Leipzig" part II but apart from the media attention a great concert from one of true "survivors" of the great Norwegian Black Metal times. www.gorgoroth.org, www.metalmind.com.pl
Matthias Auch
• GORGOROTH - Instinctus Bestialis (Dick Osmond)
• GORGOROTH - Ad Majorem Sathanas Gloriam (Frank Stöver)
• GORGOROTH - Ad Majorem Sathanas Gloriam (Mario Cubero)
• GORGOROTH - Quantos Possunt Ad Satanitatem Trahunt (Matthias Auch )
• GORGOROTH - True Norwegian Black Metal - Live In... (Nhashi)
• GORGOROTH - Twilight Of The Idols - In Conspiracy... (Roy Kristensen)
• GORGOROTH - Interview (Sonderkrig)