Instinctus Bestialis
(Soulseller Records)

Like MARDUK, GORGOROTH is a long-running Black Metal band with just one original member composing (most) all of the music. And in my opinion, one guy can only keep writing good stuff for so long (with some rare exceptions). I love early GORGOROTH albums, and even some of their music with the overrated Gaahl, but I knew there was trouble in paradise when the band re-recorded their masterpiece "Under The Sign Of Hell" in 2011. A band having to recycle the past is clearly stalled creatively. "Instinctus Bestialis" contains most of the traits GORGOROTH is known for – lots of triplets, a love for midpaced riffing, and winding melodies. However, the entire thing is just very safe and low-key. GORGOROTH is a band that is supposed to raise the hairs on the back of your neck with shrieking vocals (the new guy is fuckin’ generic) and foreboding riffing, but GORGOROTH has clearly lost their passion. Maybe still a good band to check out live for their back catalog, but in terms of new music, bands like SARGEIST have them whipped at their own game. More GORGOROTH info at: www.gorgoroth.info, www.facebook.com/gorgorothofficial, www.soulsellerrecords.com

Dick Osmond

Dick Osmond

Related reviews / interviews:
GORGOROTH - Bergen 1996 (Frank Stöver)
GORGOROTH - Ad Majorem Sathanas Gloriam (Frank Stöver)
GORGOROTH - Black Mass Krakow 2004 (Matthias Auch)
GORGOROTH - Ad Majorem Sathanas Gloriam (Mario Cubero)
GORGOROTH - Quantos Possunt Ad Satanitatem Trahunt (Matthias Auch )
GORGOROTH - True Norwegian Black Metal - Live In... (Nhashi)
GORGOROTH - Twilight Of The Idols - In Conspiracy... (Roy Kristensen)
GORGOROTH - Interview (Sonderkrig)

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